Personal Chat #2

Hey guys sorry for the lack of post last week, I was super busy as I am this week too, Christmas is always a pretty stressful time at school as there is so many end of year tests ugh! But anyway there’s one thing that’s been on my mind recently and that’s starting a YouTube channel.

YouTube is a great way to get yourself out there in the world and to have fun at the same time, but it comes with its negatives. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to put 100% in because of all my school commitments and school is a priority at the end of the day but I want to do something different Yanno?

Another issue is that if anyone at school found out they would make fun of me like alllll the time, and I know I shouldn’t care but I do. I could keep it a secret I suppose at first but IDKKKK !!

I also love being creative (even if I’m not very good at it😂) and to express that as a video I think could be really fun but the reality is that probably no one would see my videos anyway so is there actually any point?

I guess you would learn over time but how do you get a sleek looking channel and beautiful thumbnails? Like I’m serious. I’ve tried so many apps which have all got me either hella confused or just haven’t worked properly:(

So yeah, PLEASE LEAVE ANY TIPS OR ADVICE SOWN BELOW! You guys always give great advice, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, a lot so let me know what you’d do in my situation. Thank youuuu so much and hope you all have a great rest of your week:)

Tamsin xx

8 thoughts on “Personal Chat #2

  1. saradiz says:

    I always wanted to start a youtube chanel, but rn it’s just not possible for so many reason. However, I’m happy you can start a chanel and I’d say you should probably go for it! We all have to start it from small right so keep posting videos people will definetly watch. And, about your school you shouldn’t really care. Who knows you can become youtube famous, right? xx

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  2. rafstheticallypleasing says:

    Yes, I agree about if people might make fun of you by having a channel… but, you will gain more subscribers from them and prove them wrong! Overall, go with your gut, and I say go for it! Express yourself, further than blogs and find more people who share similar interests to you. I’m sure your blog family will go over and like &vsubscribe anyways! Raff x

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